Thursday, August 5, 2010

God Bless Our Little Love!

This past Sunday, August 1st was a special day for our new family. We got all dressed up and headed to the church where August was baptized. It was an exciting day for us as we got to dress up our little guy in white with a navy blue and green plaid jacket and show him off to the world! And can we just say, we thought he was so adorable? We were happy to share this celebration with some of our close family and we felt so incredibly loved! Auggie definitely has some very special guiding lights in his life.
Of course, in the hurried moments of getting ourselves ready, our house ready, the food ready and our baby ready, we didn't take any pictures of just him in his outfit. As a mom, I feel terrible! I also didn't get all the shots I wanted (just like on our wedding day, right?) as well as we couldn't use a flash in church, so all the pics were pretty much blurry! Devastating!!! But, here are a few select ones that turned out okay!
Our sweet little family at the altar after the ceremony. Another thing...why am I holding a burp cloth? Where was my photographer stylist at that moment?

Reverend Lois holds Auggie in the air before she gives him a kiss!

A great shot of his little sport cute! It might be in style now, but Pat and I joke it is not a "timeless" piece so of course when he looks back, he will say "What did you have me wearing? Yikes!" Don't we all have those moments now when we look back at old photos?

The loving Godparents of August Patrick...Uncle Jack and Aunt Becky. What a lucky little man he is to have two great people beside him as he grows. This was taken at the huge pine tree in front of our house at the luncheon after the celebration.

Here he poses with his cake (if you can call that a pose). It was the talk of the party because the cake was so incredibly huge and tall! But, it was certainly delicious! The lemon filling...I am still dreaming about it. And if you know Pat, he is still dreaming about the buttercream frosting.

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