Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Woke up this morning to find artwork in the form of snow all around! My particular favorite was this "drift" hanging off of the roof over the deck. I watched it morph all day long...What a fantastic way to spend a Wednesday...not at work!

You can barely see the railing of our deck through our sliding glass door.

I opened the back door to be greeted by waist-high snow. I loved the impression of the door on the packed snow.

A beautiful shot of our garage in the pre-dawn light.

Snow in perspective! Up to Pat's waist.

Auggie sits on the kitchen floor with the snow wall behind him.

Even though it was a struggle to put on the snow suit, we wanted to venture outside as this was one for the record books!

Our hero, Daddy, after snow-blowing our drive and the neighbors too!

A contrasting photo to those we have posted previously... here is a shot of an unhappy baby.He hated the outfit, the cold, the snow, apparently. Maybe a move to San Diego is in our future!

Sitting in the snow...amazing how tall it is! We would lose him and the dog if we let them go!

Our Family - Blizzard/Snow Day 2011
Wednesday, February 2nd

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